Hello to all.
it is summer is here with a lot of festivals of all kinds, aperitifs and barbecues…
for my part, I'll be off to the Avignon Festival with the show “Nougaro, Electro(n) Free” of Gilda and Company.
of 08 the 29 July (complete information on the fly). Find me on stage with Lulu and Mathieu Harlot.
For the rest of my activities, I realized from the beginning of the year music for a new show APOI pursues one line : “The beginnings“. Show for toddlers from 2 years. I'm on stage machinery and percussion accompanying the actor-puppeteer.
My collaboration with “Gilda and company” continues with a new creation (more 2011) : “My new Interior“. After Electro Nougaro(n) Free, I'm back on stage after performing musical arrangements. Some bass, synths, singing, dance and lots of fun…
So next season will be very access “scene” with three shows in which I currently. Note the 2 final performances of the beautiful “Dracula” which will stop after some sixty dates.
Side discography, I started work produced / on the next titles Cédric Barré, met in Astaffort 2005.
But I confess that I think increasingly following “Nothing is perfect”.
At the moment it moves in my brain and I get asked a lot of questions… continue ? change project ? go elsewhere ? Still Sing ? bref foot perdu, I'm looking for, I'm looking for. Still, the urge is still there, remains at the channel to bring it where it's needed!
Pending, I wish you a nice and good cultural summer vacation…
PEACE – Usmar
Then, goodbye…
Take care 😉
The singer originally from Lille surprise by taking Claude Nougaro to unexpected artistic shores far from jazz which was dear to him. .Lulu Nougaro cited in the first place artists linfluencent in his creations.
Cédric Barré? one who has just released a disc and whose talent has nothing to envy to flunk some of the talent show? lool I think you wasted your time helping.
Sorry two self-produced discs Cedric Barré but nothing. Briefly it has nothing to envy to some of the people that make the Star Academy. Sa can’ under the guise of self-production is formatted to pass on Nrj.